We are a stick in God's hands that he uses to stir other people's faith.
This is the ministry that frankly jumped started our Church to serve God with a renewed vigor and enthusiasm. We take Matthew 28:18-19 literally. We have close relationships with Churches in Haiti, Canada, France, Jamaica, and India.
We do not believe that answers can be found in methods or policies - but only through Christ Jesus. Our goal is very simply to be used by God to stir other people's faith. And in turn, our faith is always stirred and increased. We like to use the analogy of a stick. We are a stick in God's hands that he uses to stir other people's faith. Our mission trips are most often in coordination and in support of local Churches. We believe that the Church is God's principle physical instrument on earth. On the last Sunday of every month, we dedicate time to discuss missions and to conduct a special mission offering. Our mission trips are open to both Youth and Adults.