Church History
Family Christian Center is a Foursquare church.
Family Christian Center's (FCC) formal and legal name is Toledo 3 Foursquare. Family Christian Center is a Foursquare Church. The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel (ICFG - Foursquare Church) was established by our founder, Aimee Semple McPherson in 1922. Today, we are one of more than 25,000 Foursquare Churches around the world. The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel is deeply dedicated to world missions. Somewhere in the world, there is a new Foursquare Church being planted every four hours.
Family Christian Center started in Toledo on April 1, 1951, as Toledo 3 Foursquare church under the vision and pioneering spirit of Rev. Norma I. Rainey and Rev. Alice Claus. Pastors Rainey (28 years old) and Claus (20 years old) were from Fostoria Foursquare Church, Fostoria, OH (closed in 2023), and were given $25 to plant a new work in the Toledo area. The Church's first location was in Northwood, OH. Both Pastor Rainey and Pastor Claus would drive the 35 miles from Fostoria to Northwood twice a week to bring Christ's love to this new congregation. At this time the building had no running water, so the two Pastors would travel with gallon jugs of water in their car. The new church plant's initial evangelistic efforts was focused on neighborhood families and children. This is something we continue today through our Bus ministry. Rev. Rainey and Claus left in June, 1951 to found another Foursquare Church in Kenton, OH (now closed).
Orville and Helen Huling took over the Pastorate in June, 1951. They served faithfully until 1984. Both Orville and Helen were graduates of Life Bible College in Los Angeles, CA. They had transferred their membership from Toledo 1 Foursquare to the new Toledo 3 Foursquare. The original congregation of Toledo 3 Foursquare was made up principally of former members of Toledo 1 and 2. Both Toledo 1 and 2 are now closed. A true hallmark of Pastor Helen's ministry was a faithful observance to her Pentecostal roots and the inclusion of children in the ministry. Rev. Eric Whitmore of Our Father's House recalls in the 70's how children would flock to the altar to receive their Sunday candy treat. The Huling's faithfully served for 30 years, but as they approached retirement and the congregation aged it was God's appointed time for new leadership.
Toledo 3's new leadership came in the form of two dynamic and young Ohio natives and their two young boys. In the fall of 1984, Dan and Crystal Rogers moved to Toledo from Gardiner, Maine to revive the promise that had started in 1951. It was sometime in late 1986 that the Holy Spirit prevailed on Rev. Dan Rogers to give the church the name Family Christian Center. The Church services were moved from Northwood to the former South YMCA in 1986. Later (1990) the Church moved again to a storefront location on Airport Highway west of Bryne Road. It was at that location (1992) that the Mission of Rescue, Restore, and Release - Luke 4:18-19 was birthed and began to be instilled in the congregations' heart. This is where a few members of our present leadership and ministry team, Kim Barnes, Janie Barnes, and Igor Beaufils, caught the passion of this mission to bring the Gospel to the broken and then watch them grow to become part of Christ's move to heal the brokenhearted. We were still two more moves away before we could find a permanent home but along the way two young lads, Gabriel and Samuel Rogers (Dan and Crystal's oldest two sons), grew to be men committed to Christ as it was lived through Luke 4:18-19. It was in 2004 in Holland, OH (our last temporary location) that the Lord knitted Rev. Mark and Diana Mylek to the call.
The history of every holy endeavor is never complete if thanks isn't given to those who faithfully gave of themselves to see God's will be done. We want to give special recognition and tribute to Pauline Whitmore and Carmine Stinehelfer. Their love, wisdom, and dedication were essential in allowing Dan and Crystal the ability and time to move the Church into greener pastures. During the time of Dan and Crystal's pastorate we wish to thank god for Andy and Wendy Talfeski, Vick and Chris DiMichelli (small groups), Jerry and Anita Siler (Worship -drums), Keith and Danita Smith, Robert Lucio (home with the Lord), Valerie and Domonique Lucio, Kurt and Marie Brackett (worship), Roger and Tami Fall, Elizabeth Burnham (now Von Striver), and Steve Lucio and family. The Lord has call some home and other's to new assignments, but we shall never forget your dedication and contribution to our call to Rescue, Restore, and Release.
After 21 years, Rev's Dan and Crystal Rogers passed the Rescue, Restore, and Release torch to Rev. Igor (Beau) and Heather Beaufils. Rev. Dan Rogers continues to faithfully serve Northwest Ohio as the President and CEO of Cherry St. Mission Ministries. Rev. Crystal Rogers continues to serve via Soma Ministries and is a frequent missionary to Jamaica.
In May 2005, Pastor Beau and Heather were installed to continue the vision that was started with Dan and Crystal Rogers. Additionally, for the first time in many years, Family Christian Center was able to purchase 2728 North King Road. From this location, we are diligently living our vision to see people rescued from sin, restored by God, and released to be used in the rescuing process. Special thanks to our Bishop Harriet Mouer in helping us make this first purchase and giving us the support and counsel to make 2728 North King Road a place of growth.
On April 29th, 2014, Family Christian Center has made another bold move. We have returned back to South Toledo - 3510 Schneider Road. This moved was made because we simply outgrew our former 2728 North King Road facility, and the Lord is returning us back to our Rescue, Restore, and Release roots in South Toledo. We are believing for greater levels of love, faith, unity, boldness and growth. Many of our church members reside in the South Toledo community; we believe this community is poised to be a place of new and fresh starts and strong families.
We find ourselves in a challenging yet exciting season of change. The church is responding to several spiritual factors: will we as individuals and a community say yes to our Lord; show greater kindness and hospitality to friend and stranger; share our faith; and display God's righteousness and holiness in what we do. We will meet these challenges despite sending a precious family, Pastors Samuel and Andrea Rogers, away to serve in Winchester, VA as the new leaders of that church. During this time of challenge and testing, it would have been advantageous to have had such a lovely and dedicated couple and family in our midst; but in all things, we must obey and trust in the Lord. Pastors Samuel and Andrea served as key ministry leaders for over 14 years as youth leaders, worship team members and leaders, and teaching Pastors. Their dedication, integrity, hospitality/kindness, good humor, and excellence in service will be missed. Pastor Samuel it should be noted is the son of the previous Pastors, Dan and Crystal Rogers, and had spent over 30 years of his life at Family Christian Center. We are excited to see how our Lord will move in Toledo, OH and Winchester, VA.
Late 2019 into 2022, could be described as the covid years. Many changes occurred during this period - new faces; old friends leaving; new ways to bring forth the good news; new evangelism initiatives; and numerous challenges to overcome. We do thank and fondly remember families and individuals that contributed much to the call to Rescue, Restore, and Release - Luke 4:18-19. Thank you Hannum’s, Havilands, Lynne Root, and Mark Mylek for your great efforts towards our church community. During this period, we went from using a cell phone to broadcast our first service to now we broadcast every Sunday Service via YouTube and FB. Further adaptations - parking lot service and Saturate Toledo in which we Church of the Cross and Westgate Chapel - Jim Vernot Bible Study passed out gospel materials to every household in the 43614 zip code. FCC then moved out to take on some 43609 residences. It was during this period that plans to launch Byrnedale Elementary’s release for religious instructions began to take place as well as the public campaign to the Body of Christ.
2024-25, there is a sense that we are in a period of “fresh start”. The covid years and the year after covid epidemic took a toll. Our 2025 theme is “Fight on”. We believe emphatically that the Lord has called us to press on and to not give up the fight to win souls and disciple. Many thanks to the individuals and families that helped us get through this challenging period. Thank you Braun family, Banks Family, Kollar Family, Gene A., Miriam R., Alexis J., Chance S., for your sweet spirit and service. In many respects, we are building a church that will grow in its mission as a place of rescue, restore, and release. In other words, a sanctuary of hope, dreams, and transformation. Our Abolition of Slavery ministry has grown. We served 23 souls in 2024. In April 2024, as a result of being contacted by the Lucas County Health Department and working with HUT Ministries, we have begun the process of assisting Haitian refugees with the hope of building a Haitian Community and church.
For over seventy years, Toledo 3 Foursquare (now dba -Family Christian Center) has gone through many transitions and challenges. But one thing has remained the same; our commitment to God through Christ Jesus and our commitment to the City of Toledo and the surrounding communities. We are currently reaching out to the community via our efforts at Byrnedale Elementary School, the Break the Link, and supporting Haitian Refugees.
Founding Pastor Norma I. Rainey
Rev Helen Huling
Rev Helen Huling
Pastors Dan and Crystal Rogers
Pastor Igor and Heather Beaufils