Worship Ministry
From our heart to God, we worship with our total being.
How wonderful, how sweet to be in the house of the Lord and to worship Him in song, with banners, and in movement (Psalm 150).
Our worship team is composed of talented, sensitive musicians who lead us into the presence of God on Sundays and Wednesday nights. At Family Christian Center we believe that worship is sacred to God and that He inhabits and delights in the praises of His people. Our love for Him can be expressed in many ways other than song, such as tithing, giving of our time, or reaching out to needy souls with the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Though many-faceted, at FCC we use song and music to express our love for God and our appreciation of His Son's sacrifice on the cross that brought us into right-standing with Him. Raising our hands, shouting praises, bowing our knees are all ways we show God how much we love Him, and we do this with contemporary songs taken right from God's Word, many of them heard on the radio daily. From our heart to God, we worship with our total being.
We are taking multiple steps to encourage greater and higher levels of participation in our Sunday worship as well as adding additional elements to our corporate worship. We are actively adding visual elements to our corporate worship in the form of banners, streamers, and rings.