The Lord tied our heart with Cuba in 2005. This occurred during the 2005 joint Foursquare US and Jamaica mission trip to Cuba. The team members were led by Pastor Walter Moss. The team consisted of Pastor Gareth Phillips (Jamaica), Pastor Carol Baker, and Sister Shirley. During this time, we preached and taught at a number of churches made up of many denominations. We were particularly impressed with the faithfulness found in Cuba along with the great opportunity Cuba presented to advance the Gospel throughout the Western Hemisphere.
We believe Cuba is a strategically important nation is God’s Kingdom plans. It was at this time we came in contact with a precious work (Bible College) of our Lord Jesus Christ - Centro de Desarrollo Cristiano Misionero a Las Nociones , led by Pastor Lazaro de Jesus Perez. This school is doing a remarkable job considering their resources are so limited. Finally, we also had the pleasure to meet and teach at various Foursquare Cuba activities. We salute Foursquare Cuba and Pastor David Navarro (Church on the Way) for their faithfulness and discipline to abide in Christ.
In 2013, we heard the glorious news that Centro de Desarrollo Cristiano Misionero a Las Nociones is being taken care of and overseen by a large and faithful Methodist Church in Havana. We thank God for this development. This news brings our work in Cuba to a close. It is our belief that the Cuban Church is strong enough to advanced the Gospel within and well beyond its borders.