Rescue, Restore, Release
— Luke 4:18-19
A Message from Pastor Beau
We pray that more than curiosity has brought you to our website. Please look around and you will find a people that are passionate about God, and who believe that through Jesus Christ we can live more than fulfilling lives. We can obtain purpose, meaning, and joy despite our circumstances because of Jesus’ love, grace and power. Jesus suffered, died, and now lives, so that we can have an intimacy with God that defies all human understanding.
So look around, or better yet join us. Explore our events, see where you can get involved, meet some of our friends, and get in touch if you want to learn more. During the Covid 19 pandemic the best way to stay in touch is via our FaceBook page. The link is on the home page as well as above.
Abandon in Christ,
Pastor Beau.
Sunday Celebration Service | 10AM
Sanctuary Services, Nursery, and Children's Church
Facebook Live – Facebook.com/fcc.foursquare
Youtube Live – search “Family Christian Center - Toledo 3”
Sunday Youth Group | 6-7:30PM
Meeting in person at the church and online via Zoom
Weekly Events
Visit Weekly Events to learn about our small groups and other opportunities to grow in your relationship with the Lord and meet new friends.
Foursquare Church Member
Foursquare is more of a movement than a denomination.
Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today, and forever.
— Hebrews 13:8