Haiti – CFC

In June 2005, while visiting Cuba, Pastor Beau and Jocelyn Fleurival (engineering and bible school student) met for the first time. After an inspired time of fellowship and worship, Pastor Lazaro de Jesus Perez – President of the Bible School Centro de Desarrollo Cristiano Misionero a Las Nociones – placed Pastor Jocelyn’s hands in Pastor Igor Beaufils' hands and asked Pastor Igor to oversee and care for his only Haitian student. In 2007, our relationship with Haiti was taken to a deeper level as we began to regularly correspond with Pastor Jocelyn Fleurival. In 2008, we sent sound and other equipment to his church in Port-au-Prince.

After the devastating earthquake in early 2010, we were blessed to hear that Pastor Jocelyn and Natacha Fleurival and their family were safe as well as his congregation. We have since sent donated gospel materials from Foursquare Mission Press to Haiti for Pastor Jocelyn and his congregation to distribute to their fellow Haitians recovering from the devastation. It should be mentioned that Pastor Jocelyn edited many of the Creole language materials that are being used to bring the good news of Christ to the Haitian people. We are standing strong with Pastor Jocelyn and believing for a church building and further development of their small group network. Pastor Jocelyn oversees 15 small groups.

In Jan 2013, after almost eight years, Pastor Igor and Jocelyn finally reunited to do the work of the Lord. Pastor Igor and his son Spencer were sent to encourage and strengthen the CFC-Haiti. The message was succinct and clear, for our Brothers and Sisters to embrace the hope process found in Romans 5:3-5. Our objectives in Haiiti for the near future are two fold: strengthen leadership and purchase land. It is our understanding that the Land will cost around $20,000. In which FCC and CFC will split the cost. 

With great Sadness, we announce that our CFC- Haiti leader, Pastor Jocelyn Fleurival has passed away on Jan 8, 2016. We lift up his widow, Natacha and their two children in prayer. The last 5 years has seen many changes to this work. But, we praise the Lord and are glad to report the work continues. The new base is Port-de Paix, Haiti (in the far north). A leadership team consisting of Brother Pouchon Beauge, Pastor Luc Dieusnel and Pastor Gentilhomme Cedernier have built a sanctuary and are evangelizing the community. It is their hope to be able to purchase land to build a church. From this strong location, it is our hope to develop god fearing leaders for Christ, who will enter in all sectors of Haitian society to bring about the necessary changes to see Haiti shine in Christ’s glory.